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Monday 18 June 2012

                                          EXPECT THEM

Some people turn to God with the hope of escaping suffering on earth. If you are one of them then am sorry because you are going to be disappointed. The Christian life is a cross carrying journey. God doesn't promise us a trouble free existence, instead He gives us power to go and grow through our sufferings. 
How can u live in a place under your enemies (Satan) control and expect to be free. No way he's not going to allow that. Until we leave this sin-polluted world, we are on a battlefield with the devil and in every battle people get hurt including the victor. Satan is going to attack on many fronts but what doesn't kill u only makes u stronger.
There is one thing to bear in mind and that is; all things work together for good,  those who love God and are called according to His purpose. The servant (We) is not greater than the master(Jesus) so expect to face with the did. Romans 8:17 says once we will share in His glory in heaven we have to share in His suffering on earth. He has given us His Spirit to help us during those trying times so NO FEARS.(Read Matt 5:11-12,John16:33,Romans5:3-5)

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