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Thursday 7 June 2012

FEAR NOT!FOR I AM WITH YOU (Isaiah41:10) says Don't be afraid for I am with you.Don't be discouraged for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you.I will hold u up with My victorious right Hand).The efect dis statement makes is based on d 1 saying it.Suppose u r applying 2b awarded a fierce contested contract by govt n d vice president tels u not 2 sure da word will remove evri doubt in u ba u r going 2snub a civil servant who tels u nt 2fear 4 He's wid u.So ask urself who in dis verse says u shud nt fear 4 He's wid u?Is He big enuf 2 relax ur nervs or he's a nobodi who's jx bluffin.How u take in dis word dpends on hw u see God.Mani of us av made God 2smal in our eyes.We lean on Him in sam n nt al areas.Wat is makin u panic?wts causin u2 av slples nites?.B mor aware of d Fada u av dan d problems u face cos He who is in u is greater dan He who is in d world.Doesn't mata d pit u in,God wil neva pik u 4rm egypt oli 2leav u in d wildanes(Romans8:28 says)al tins work 2geda 4 gud 4dose hu love d Lord n r cald acordin to His purpose. Joseph wasn't prayin 2b a prime minista nida was David prayin 2b King bt dis same God hu did it 4 dem wil giv u mor dan u expect dis year.Your part of d bargain is 2trust n obey.He says I am wid u,I am ur God n I wil help u.Dats enuf assurance 2 smile at ani storm dat cams ur way.Dnt worry abt anytin instead pray abt evritin(Phil.4:6) D King of kings n d Lord of lords is on ur side no 1 dare b against u.Fear God alone n stay blessed.

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