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Friday 8 June 2012

The Way The Truth And The Life. (In John14:6 Jesus said; I am d way,d truth n d life no 1 can cam 2 d Father xcept tru Me)
Dis is d most basic n relevant passage in Scripture.It answers d most asked question"How can man find his way back 2his Maker? Oli tru Jesus!He is d bridge btwin man n God bcos He alone is both Man n God.By unitin our lives 2His. we r united 2God.Its oli tru Him dat we r accepted n able 2inherit all d benefits of bein a Child of God.He's d 1 all d Prophets pointed 2.No 1 died 4 us,No 1came2 earth as God's oli Son,No 1rose 4rm d dead hu didn't die again(Acts4:12 says ders salvation in no 1 else, no name has bin givn under d Heavens by which we must be saved except Jesus.
Many belive der r orda ways 2gt 2 God.In reality Jesus is wide enuf 4d whole world if it will accept it (In John16:9 Jesus said d sin of d world is dat it rejects me)Instead of worryin abt hw limited it sounds 2av oli 1way we shd tank God 4providin a sure way 2get 2 Him.As d way Jesus is our path 2God,As d truth He is d reality of al God's promises,As d life He joins His divine life 2 ours.U ought 2walk on d Way,listen2 n act on d Truth n u'll rciv d life He givs.2 dose hu bliv ders a God n long 2connect d devil provides "Religion" in orda 2hide dem 4rm d oli Way 2 God(Jesus)But Christianity(Being like Christ) is nt a religion but a culture its a way of life,d oli way of life approvd by God so eat it,wear it,walk it,talk it live it,live it, n live it.2day homosexuals say dey r tired of hidin in their closets dey r nw fightin 4 rights.Evribodi is standin 4 wt dey bliv wiles d Christian hides bhind.Arise Christian youth! n show d way teach d truth so al wil cam n rceiv d life He givs.!If u deny Him He wil also deny u.D time is nw!stay blessed...

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