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Thursday 21 June 2012

                                 WORD FOR TODAY
In John 15:1-2 Jesus says... “I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.

The branches are all those who claim to be disciples of Christ. Some bear fruits and odes don't.The funny thing is every branch gets a feel of the knife of the Gardener(God). The fruitless branch is cut at d trunk and thrown away whiles the fruitful branch is cut at the sides so as to produce much fruit. The fruit is not only about soul winning but all the qualities of Christ character (Gal.5:22-23,2Peter1:58). Its the fruit that makes you identify the tree. After all the benefits the branch gets, if it doesn't reap, then the tree is worthless. By your fruits it will be known whether you are still in the tree of good or evil(Adam/flesh) or in the tree of life (Jesus/Spirit). One way to see life is, as a test. See every situation as a test to pass. Until you get over your anger God will kip on allowing people or situations that will get u angry to come your way, When you done with that you face another test. 
Earth is a test field for full operation in Heaven. God is the Gardener and He wouldn't allow any of the good branches to be harmed. Nothing happens to any branch without His knowledge, so whatever happens; know that He allowed it, and if He allowed it, then you are just being pruned. 
If you are being pruned, its an opportunity for you to bear more fruits than you did before. God tests us with people (do u love all or u despise others), Money (How do you react in plenty and in little?, what do u use your money for?) Time etc Have this thing in mind that, once u wake up from bed then its time to be  tested after much resting.
So build yourself in the word and lean on the Spirit to guide you through the day..Open your eyes to the test and learn from those you fail. After u read this long message, you passed a test of patience...

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