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Friday 22 June 2012

                             WORD FOR TODAY

Matthew14:23 says... After sending them home, He went up into the hills by Himself to pray.Night fell while He was there alone.I wonder how you can say you are a Christian when you do not make a habit of praying.

The word Christian means "like Christ" so we only do what Christ did and tells us to do.You don't do anything contrary to what is in the Word.Christ is the Word. He's the Forerunner. He has already ran the race so we just have an easy task of running in His tracks.

How terrible life will be if there were no old folks in the world. If you want to be like Christ you do what He does. Many folks want to have Christ's Ministry and heal the sick,raise the dead etc. but don't want His life.His life is what we have to emulate.Christ simply led a life of prayer.With all the noise and activity around Him He still made quality time with God in prayer.

What can be said of you? God does not interfere in mans life unless He's invited to through prayer. You tell your problems to those who can help so if u don't talk to God it means you don't think He can help u.If Jesus prayed till nightfall then we should be praying all day that's why Paul said "pray without ceasing"...Pray for the Kingdom and for others and not always yourself.

Talk all through the day with your Father. As you talk to Him He also talks back so you get to know His thoughts and you become more like Him.

Pray everyday if you want to grow to Be LIKE CHRIST(Christian).

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