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Tuesday 31 July 2012

Mark 16:1-4
The women purchased the spices on Saturday evening when the Sabbath had ended so they could go to the tomb early the next morning and anoint Jesus' body as a sign of love,devotion and respect. So many odds were against these women.
-How could they reach the body of Jesus when there was a large stone rolled at the entrance?
-The Pharisees had sought permission from Pilate to seal the stone covering the Tomb so that the disciples do not steal the body and fake a Resurrection.       Matt 27:62-64.
-Pilate ordered four guards to be placed at the tomb.Matt.27:65,66
These were the odds facing this women.This could have easily unsettled the disciples and make them give up because looking at the facts, there was no way they could reach the body. 
So what did this women expect achieve that early Sunday morning?  These women showed a peculiar attitude of faith and urged by love, unity and devotion they still made their way to the tomb. Though were aware of the impossible odds. What great faith? and God will never let such faith go unrewarded.
The mission of the church is to send the gospel to all the world and its faced with a lot of overwhelming obstacles. Any of them appears devastating. Against human stubbornes,disease,danger, loneliness,poverty etc.
We shouldn't put our eyes on the fact on ground, but on the truth & faith that with God all things are possible. Keep on spreading the gospel no matter what, never loose faith...(We are saved to serve).

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