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Friday 20 July 2012

 The Living and Dead Word of God!
The Word of God is living and active, it is spiritually discerned. But the Word can also be Dead. When the Pharisees threw down the prostitute in front of Jesus, and stated that the Law required her to be punished, they were using a Dead Word of God. Though it was from scripture, the Holy Spirit did not prompt them to say that, and the Holy Spirit did not confirm to Jesus that she should be punished. 
Scripture in the Hand of a person who does not have the Holy Spirit or is not listening to the Holy Spirit can be dangerous and misleading. The Devil will often use the Dead word of God, though the Word is still valid, he uses it at the wrong time. Like a parable in the mouth of a fool, or a rifle with the wrong type of ammo, it will only backfire.
Be careful with moral accusations against your brother, if a time arises to rebuke your brother, be sure to only use the living Word of God.

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