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Saturday 24 March 2012


The spirit of prostitution is a demonic entity working together with the spirit of lust to help build the kingdom of Satan (the devil). Are you working for Satan or are you the friend of Satan. (Rev. 17:1-5)
The answer is literally NO! But my brothers and sisters, everybody engaging in sexual immorality is indirectly or directly working for Satan. God forbid!

Do you have an uncontrollable desire for sexual sin? If yes then you have been possessed by the spirit of prostitution. Once you are possessed by this evil spirit, it takes over your heart and thought in a way that your soul and your flesh cannot resist sexual sin anymore. The Bible says “out of your heart are the issues of life”.
The easiest way that the spirit of prostitution overcomes us is when we expose ourselves to unhealthy songs like hip hop, hip life, R&B and so on. Our heavenly father who is perfect in all aspects is even affected by music (healthy music). The bible says He inhabits our praised and worship. Flee from this evil spirit and save your soul.
This evil spirit bears children like abusing of drug, masturbation, alcoholism, womanizing, raping and prostitution to capture humanity to eternal damnation. The devil, the chief prostitute needs companions and I forbid you to be one in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Beware! The world is under siege by this spirit in these end time, no one is safe in the market place or at church. It has brought down great men of God, politicians and Leaders all over the world. Trust me the immoral beast lurks everywhere, no matter your reason for engaging in the immoral sin, it being:
a) Financial purposes
b) For pleasures
c) Peer pressure
Then you are bound to a one-way lane towards self-destruction. But Glory be to God there is a way out:
a) Honestly admit to yourself that you have a problem.
b) Seek help from a good man of God.
c) Begin to read and meditate on the word of God.
d) Let go of your old life and lead o Godly life.
e) Do away with all friends in your past and make Christian friends.

Dear reader, if you are saved or uncertain, now is the accepted time to repent. Remember, unless a person is born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5), come now and be joined to the family of Christ.Find a Bible believing Church and fellowship with them.

And you will be blessed beyond measure...Glory!!


  1. Amen to this; it is the truth.

    What saddens my spirit is how certain countries take young kids (10-11 years old) and groom them into artists for this system of prostitution. Whether it's a "magnet art school" in the USA or entertainment companies in South Korea, the process is the same.

    For me, I attended a magnet art school; that starts during the middle school years (I was 11 too, go figure). We either audition out of our own free will or a teacher recommendation convinces our parents to pursue this. My parents pushed me into at first because we lived in a "bad" neighborhood and the magnet school was in a "good" neighborhood. So, I agreed to go. The "visual and performing arts" classes take up all the "extra-curriculars", which are the classes aside from the core requirements of math, reading, science, and social studies; they train us and educate us to learn about the craft, ultimately leading us (ideally) into a career path in the area we chose to focus on (dance, music, acting, or fine arts [2D]).

    Which when you think about it, it's a simply a choice between flavors of idolatry: "help us creature idols for the public to worship" (through animated films, sculpture, photography) or "become the idols" (if you're a performer: dancer, actor, singer, musician). I know, in and of itself, these schools are "technically" neutral: just there to teach you the methods, but they don't teach in the context of putting these talents to use to worship the Creator, but to get you your own trophies, awards, and prestige. In the latter category (dancer, actor, singer), your very body becomes the idol, and if you choose plastic surgery: it's no longer wood that gets chiseled, it's your very face. We become idols for the public to worship in every sense of the word.

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    1. {continuation...}

      In South Korea, some visual and performing arts schools exist too, but it's primarily the entertainment companies themselves that hold auditions and recruit / scout for talent—as young as 10-11 years old too. They house them, train them, educate them, some even influence plastic surgery onto the kid. Investing in the kids with profit in mind (a profit they earn back once the kid finally debuts into society as an official artist [either solo or in a group]). And these kids don't get a dime out of profit until they pay off their debt (the debt being the amount of money which the company invested into them all those years). The money isn't the important thing here; I merely mention it so you see how much of a pimp these companies are: essentially, "we get the major profits, go lure in customers with sex appeal", and the kids often don't get fed very well or get enough sleep.

      But regardless of the training method ("entertainment company" boot camp or "magnet art school" boot camp), our bodies and emotions are getting whored out: Lust is a sin against our own bodies. And we have to get into the mood/attitude of lust to make our art believable: whether it's the emotion we're conveying via cartoon, photo, dance, song or movie/theatre performance. In turn we make the audience whore their bodies and emotions out along with us (if they're watching to enjoy themselves and indulge these base desires, that is).

      People are so distracted by the precision of the dance, the skill, the glitz, the glam, fire works, and carnal thrills that they don't realize what they're paying us to do (and praising us for doing) to ourselves and to them. As often is the case in South Korea, these performing kids are under 18, but still dancing in sexually suggestive ways, singing sexually suggestive lyrics. And they pay the kids (or the kids' pimp, who is the entertainment company) for this sexually suggestive material.

      So not only are they paying kids to be prostitutes, they themselves are pedophiles, in spirit. Spirit of prostitution and spirit of pedophilia all in one system. In essence, the entertainment industry is a worship service and sex service all in one. And people give up their kids to this system. The little children coming after us, growing up on the entertainment we create, do look to us (and our creations)—our own fallen ideas, emotions and feelings we put into film, cartoon, what have you—as the mold to model themselves after.

      I pray that our Heavenly Father opens everyone's eyes to what the entertainment industry is; its true nature: prostitution, pedophilia, and the worship of created things, not Creator. May he lead people out and onto him.

      I find myself wanting to go to these websites that update on the artists and their projects (albums, TV show appearances, etc) to pray for them, speak directly to their fans to get them to see the darkness they're meddling with, but it's dangerously tempting to my flesh. I now understand Jude when he says to snatch them from the fire, and when Paul warns us not to fall into temptation ourselves.

      • Jude 1:23 (NIV)

      23 save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.[a]


      a. Jude 1:23 The Greek manuscripts of these verses vary at several points.

      • Galatians 6:1 (NIV)

      6 Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.

    2. correction: the kids don't get fed very well once they debut and are out doing promotions under the company, because their schedules are ridiculously packed.* I can't speak about their years as trainees / rookies; some entertainment companies in South Korea are known for the cuisine of their cafeteria. It's once that they're out and about, officially debuted, that I hear of their lack of sleep and starvation (due to busy-ness and pressure to stay thin).

      Ugh. Money is killing people. That's what's behind this whole system.
