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Monday 16 April 2012


Life has so much to offer us, but does it always offer us what we expect? DEFINETELY NOT. Come to think of it do we make use of all the wonderful opportunities life gives us irrespective of how they come?

Life is full of ups and downs happy and pleasing moments and not so pleasant ones, times we dread and wish were a dream, but it is time, time we see a glimmer of hope in every situation we find ourselves. It is time to tell ourselves that all is not lost and see the brighter side of every situation.

Your life is what you make it.
The difficult moments we go through in life can be likened to lemons. We as individuals can sustain its sour nature and make nothing out of it or look beyond it and make lemonade out of it.

So remember when life gives lemons make lemonade add ice cubes and just savour and enjoy its sweet taste.

What would you prefer sour lemon juice or lemonade?

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