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Thursday 26 July 2012

Bishop Mike Okonkwo
Gen48:8-11 Isaiah51:9-16
God does not react but rather God acts and the devil reacts. There is nothing like total failure for a believer. You can always rise up again.
Those that know their God shall be strong and do exploits. There are things you have to know. Everything God starts, He will surely finish it. He doesn't abandon His project without completing them. Its what you know that separates you from the others. 
You must have a revelation and mentality of Heaven. Sometimes the devil knocks you down but there is always a returning space. Christians must start to see themselves in the reality of who we are and not let the pressures of life get to us.
Jacob struggled his whole life even though he had a blessing on his head. Grace is God giving you preferential treatment, Grace is saying you don't qualify but I qualify you. Everywhere Grace is, there is Mercy and they move together.
God gave the law so we see how sinful we are and how we can't keep the law, so that when Grace comes we will value it and hold on to it. You don't have to see yourself in yourself, you must see yourself in Christ. Every time you are about to break into somthing great God has been preparing for you, all hell breaks loose.
But God does not lie & can never lie so once He speaks you can put your life on it.Whenever your moment comes it first gets bad before it gets better. When God speaks, you don't need to understand, you just obey, The devil is under our feet and we are not the ones running, he's the one on the run. 
Anything God does he does it in abundance. There is no material of failure in us. We have the power. Jacob sent his sons with sacks and they came back with wagons. He was weak but his strength revived because of the knowledge and revelation that Joseph is alive.
He who descended is the same one who ascended.If u have descended then get ready to ascend.

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