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Friday 27 July 2012

Luke 23:55,56,
These women could do very little because of the Jewish setting. They couldn't stand up before the Jewish council or the Roman governor to testify on His behalf...but they did what they could.
They stayed at the cross whiles most of the disciples who claimed they loved him had fled, they followed Jesus body to the tomb and made preparation to anoint his body. If not for them the disciples wouldn't no where the body of Jesus was laid. Some makes us feel we can't do much for Jesus but we ought to learn from this great women and take advantage of the opportunities we have and do what we can and not worry about what we cannot do.
Because they used the opportunity they had, they were the first to witness the Resurrection and evangelize about it. Women were the first to take the word of resurrection we preach now to the world.
God rewarded them for their devotion and diligence. Don't focus or be concerned about what you can't do instead just do what you can and be diligent in doing it.

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