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Tuesday 17 July 2012


Obedience is a key to God's heart. Just like every King, Leader, Father or Overseer God loves to be obeyed. But unlike most of these earthly examples, God does not use any force. He wants us to obey Him willingly.
He tells what to do and not to do, leaves us to choose like He did in the Garden Of Eden. for you to be able to obey, you need to 1st submit yourself and accept that you are under someone. Therefore for you to be able to obey, you need to be Humble...God blesses the humble but opposes the proud.
(James4:6)Obedience does not come easily to man, because man always want to have things his way and sees submission as weakness.
Obedience is tested when it goes against your will...When you don't feel like it...When it will cost u something... But that's the obedience God wants and not the superficial ones. As a Son Of God your obedience will surely be tested... 
Abraham surely didn't feel like leaving were he as been living all His life neither did he feel good about going to sacrifice his only son but he...obeyed and by putting obedience above his feelings, God honored  and blessed him greatly. Moses also had to put obedience above his feelings, because the last place he wanted to go was back to Egypt where He is wanted for murder. He tried to give many excuses but still exercised  obedience.
In your Christian walk God will require you to do a lot of things and allow many things you hold dear to go. Just remember to put obedience above your feelings...Thats the way to God's heart...thats the way to be like Jesus...He surely didn't feel like going to the cross.  He put obedience to the Father above his flesh(feelings)...He said we should love our enemies and those who persecute us...
If you can't feel such love u rather obey and show it...
Obedience before Feelings

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