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Sunday 24 June 2012


Take your time to meditate on these commands and ask for help in doing those you are not...

-Dear brothers & sisters,HONOR those who are YOUR LEADERS in the LORD'S WORK. They work HARD among YOU and give you SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE.



Dear brothers & sister, we urge u to WARN those who are LAZY.

-ENCOURAGE those who are TIMID.

-Take TENDER CARE of those who are WEAK.


-See that no one PAYS BACK EVIL for EVIL.





-For this is GOD'S WILL for YOU who BELONG to CHRIST JESUS.





This verse contain all the by-products of living for God
(Gal. 5:22-23)
-Do your devotion and pray
-Dress simple and decent
-Go 2 Church service with an expectation to see God in a different way
-Don't be late
-No phones whiles in church
-No gums in your mouth
-No talking whiles God is talking
-Stand and seat when told to(Obedience)
-Give offerings with a grateful heart
-Take part in the praises and worship with a thankful heart.
-Make notes from the sermon
-Sensitize your thinking because the devil will try to distract u with unworthy thoughts
-Don't speak evil against anyone(Gossip)
-Keep the day Holy

Be careful to honor God in all you do in Church. Dough He is your Father and your heart is His home the Church is His Office...So you don't have to take His presence for granted...He honors those who honor Him...
Have a fruitful day

Friday 22 June 2012

                             WORD FOR TODAY

Matthew14:23 says... After sending them home, He went up into the hills by Himself to pray.Night fell while He was there alone.I wonder how you can say you are a Christian when you do not make a habit of praying.

The word Christian means "like Christ" so we only do what Christ did and tells us to do.You don't do anything contrary to what is in the Word.Christ is the Word. He's the Forerunner. He has already ran the race so we just have an easy task of running in His tracks.

How terrible life will be if there were no old folks in the world. If you want to be like Christ you do what He does. Many folks want to have Christ's Ministry and heal the sick,raise the dead etc. but don't want His life.His life is what we have to emulate.Christ simply led a life of prayer.With all the noise and activity around Him He still made quality time with God in prayer.

What can be said of you? God does not interfere in mans life unless He's invited to through prayer. You tell your problems to those who can help so if u don't talk to God it means you don't think He can help u.If Jesus prayed till nightfall then we should be praying all day that's why Paul said "pray without ceasing"...Pray for the Kingdom and for others and not always yourself.

Talk all through the day with your Father. As you talk to Him He also talks back so you get to know His thoughts and you become more like Him.

Pray everyday if you want to grow to Be LIKE CHRIST(Christian).

Thursday 21 June 2012

Prayer  helps us to acquire and sustain the blessings of God!
Do you have anything that you are proud of? Have you achieved anything in this life? Let me tell you that it is by the grace of God.
By the power of prayer, you can achieve many greater things if you believe.
It is by prayer that you will discover and sustain what God has placed in your hands.
I know of people who were given thousands of dollars as gifts. Today, that money has disappeared into thin air. God may give you something but it also takes His grace to sustain that blessing. Are you the pastor of a great ministry? Let me tell you, it takes prayer to sustain you in the ministry. Why do you think Jesus kept running away to pray?
There is a law of degeneration at work in the world. Everything is decaying. Your business is decaying. Your church is decaying. Your very life is decaying. It takes the power of God, through prayer, to preserve everything that God has given to you!
                                 WORD FOR TODAY
In John 15:1-2 Jesus says... “I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.

The branches are all those who claim to be disciples of Christ. Some bear fruits and odes don't.The funny thing is every branch gets a feel of the knife of the Gardener(God). The fruitless branch is cut at d trunk and thrown away whiles the fruitful branch is cut at the sides so as to produce much fruit. The fruit is not only about soul winning but all the qualities of Christ character (Gal.5:22-23,2Peter1:58). Its the fruit that makes you identify the tree. After all the benefits the branch gets, if it doesn't reap, then the tree is worthless. By your fruits it will be known whether you are still in the tree of good or evil(Adam/flesh) or in the tree of life (Jesus/Spirit). One way to see life is, as a test. See every situation as a test to pass. Until you get over your anger God will kip on allowing people or situations that will get u angry to come your way, When you done with that you face another test. 
Earth is a test field for full operation in Heaven. God is the Gardener and He wouldn't allow any of the good branches to be harmed. Nothing happens to any branch without His knowledge, so whatever happens; know that He allowed it, and if He allowed it, then you are just being pruned. 
If you are being pruned, its an opportunity for you to bear more fruits than you did before. God tests us with people (do u love all or u despise others), Money (How do you react in plenty and in little?, what do u use your money for?) Time etc Have this thing in mind that, once u wake up from bed then its time to be  tested after much resting.
So build yourself in the word and lean on the Spirit to guide you through the day..Open your eyes to the test and learn from those you fail. After u read this long message, you passed a test of patience...

Tuesday 19 June 2012

                                WORD FOR TODAY
And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.” this particular statement is what started the still standing war between the sons of Light and the sons of darkness...Genesis3:15.Before I proceed let me let you know the different between this 2 grapes so u will know which side u are really on. 

Dear children, don’t let anyone deceive you about this: When people do what is right, it shows that they are righteous, even as Christ is righteous. But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil.Those who have been born into God’s family do not make a practice of sinning, because God’s life is in them. So they can’t keep on sinning, because they are children of God.

So now we can tell who are children of God and who are children of the devil. Anyone who does not live righteously and does not love other believers does not belong to God..1John3:7-10,..
for those on the other side things never to late 2 come to the wining side. once we are on earth which is the devils territory he will try anything to let us fall but all he can do is strike our heel but a strike on the heel is not as deadly as the blow to the head, our Saviour Jesus gave Satan won the rose from the dead and the bible says we rose together with Him so the devil has no more power over us. Amen
Armed with the name of Jesus (the word) you can give the devil a blow to the head anything he tries to step into your life. You have power in you because He who lives in u is greater than he that is in the world. What u bind on earth shall be bind in heaven and what you loose will be loosed in heaven. You have to watch and pray because the devil comes when u are sleeping to steal, kill and destroy that which God has given you. Prayer is the key, use it to claim victory over every aspect of your life in Jesus name. But remember its only the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous that availeth much 
Quote: its not ova until u win...stay blessed.

Monday 18 June 2012

                                          EXPECT THEM

Some people turn to God with the hope of escaping suffering on earth. If you are one of them then am sorry because you are going to be disappointed. The Christian life is a cross carrying journey. God doesn't promise us a trouble free existence, instead He gives us power to go and grow through our sufferings. 
How can u live in a place under your enemies (Satan) control and expect to be free. No way he's not going to allow that. Until we leave this sin-polluted world, we are on a battlefield with the devil and in every battle people get hurt including the victor. Satan is going to attack on many fronts but what doesn't kill u only makes u stronger.
There is one thing to bear in mind and that is; all things work together for good,  those who love God and are called according to His purpose. The servant (We) is not greater than the master(Jesus) so expect to face with the did. Romans 8:17 says once we will share in His glory in heaven we have to share in His suffering on earth. He has given us His Spirit to help us during those trying times so NO FEARS.(Read Matt 5:11-12,John16:33,Romans5:3-5)
Sight is a function of the eyes; Vision is a function of the heart -Myles Munroe. The art of starting an enterprise or anything in life with the end in mind is termed Vision. Vision is the ability to see vividly the end of a thing or its destination at the beginning in your mind’s eye before it’s realized.Great people always consider the destination of the journey of life before they begin. In other words, they start with the end in mind. Vision is the restraining force which keeps you from engaging in any unauthorized activity i.e., activities not ordained by God. Vision is also God guiding you to your future like destination signs on the highway.

Woodrow T. Wilson, the 28th President of the United States of America, said “No man that does not see visions will ever realize any high hope or undertake any high enterprise.” The ability to perceive the future before it materializes is one of the most significant parts of vision fulfillment. Hence, I challenge you today, to seek the divine guidance for your life if you are not already walking in it and if you are, I encourage you to persevere for your expectation will not be cut off. God bless you and give you the wisdom and the will to execute your vision in this season.

Many times when days of honor like this are being marked ..We tend to forget ourselves and do things we ought not to do....based on this, l'd like to bring our minds to one man...Sampson in the bible. lnfact he allowed his ERECTION to determine his DIRECTION..and finally got his eyes plucked out at the what?...Dont allow your ERECTION to determine your that u don't become a father before your time....
                                happy father's day...
                                WORD FOR TODAY
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!... O Lord;point out the road for me to follow. Psalm 25:4 Even simple decisions can be stressful. Ever watch a child struggle to choose between chocolate or strawberry ice cream? And bigger decisions like whom to marry, which career to choose, whether to buy a house or 2 undergo a high-risk surgery etc. Can be nerve-racking! But u can reduce your stress level by following these Biblical principles:

1)Do the research.  "Anyone who answers without listening is foolish and confused" (Prov.18:13) Get all the facts and avoid making decisions u'll regret. Knowledge has never been more accessible; true the Internet, helpful books and especially God's Word:your commands...are my constant guide' (Psalm 119:98).
2)Talk to God: Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Consulting God helps prevent premature decisions, clarifies your priorities and prepares u to hear His counsel. Is God interested in your decisions? Yes. 'The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives' (Psalm 37:23).

3) Be Open to new ideas: Don't get trapped in old mind-sets. "Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights" (Proverbs 18:15). Clinging to the familiar can be crippling.God may choose to lead u along a new path of fresh insight. So breathe deeply (relax), seek His wisdom, and open up your heart to receive it. 
4) Get advice from trusted friends and other experienced people u trust. ' follow Solomon's counsel:A fool thinks he needs no advice, but a wise man listens to others' (Proverbs 12:15

Saturday 16 June 2012

                HEALTH TIPS

The Correct Timing to Drink Water will Maximize its Effectiveness to the Human Body

1. Two Glass of water 30 minutes Before meals will Help Digestion.

2.One Glass after U wake up Help active internal organs.

3. One Glass Before U sleep will Help avoid stroke or Heart Attack at Midnight.

4.One Glass after Taking a Bath Helps Lower Blood Pressure.

This is a Good Message
Please Pass on to the People Whom U Care.

                       WORD FOR TODAY

Satan: sir, I just caught a world full of people. I Set a trap, used bait I knew they couldn't resist. Got 'em all!
"What re u going 2 do wit them?" Jesus asked. Satan replied, "Oh, I'm gonna have fun! I'm gonna teach them how 2 marry & divorce each other, how 2 hate & abuse each other, how 2 drink & smoke & curse & indulge in premarital & extramarital sex
I'm gonna teach them how to invent guns and bombs and kill each other. I'm really gonna have fun!
"And what will you do when you are done with them?" Jesus asked."Oh, I'll kill 'em," Satan glared proudly.
"How much do u want for them? "Jesus asked."Oh, u don't want those people. They ain't no good. Why?! you'll take them & they'll just hate u. They'll spit on u, curse u & kill u. U don't want those people!"
"How much? He asked again.
Satan looked at Jesus and sneered, "All your blood, tears & your life.
"Jesus said, "DONE!" Then He paid the price.
Note: Isn't it sad how simple it is 4 people 2 trash God and then wonder why the world's going 2 hell?
Isn't it sad how someone can say "I believe in God" but still follow Satan?
Isn't it sad how u can send a thousand jokes through e-mail & they spread like wildfire, but when u start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing?
Isn't it sad how when u go 2 forward this message, u will not send it 2 many on your address list because u're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of u 4 sending it to them?
Isn't it sad how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us?
I pray, 4 dose who will help spread dis Word, God will surely bless them in a special way...I Love GOD and am ready 2 follow him,What about you..

Friday 15 June 2012

                             WE ARE SOLD OUT
 Sorry satan,you can't buy We Christians with money...because He has bought us  with His Blood...We are sold out...Thank u Jesus for the blood you shed for our salvation.